For all of you that aren't nerdy anthropologists like me, participant observation is a form of research. In order to really understand a culture you have to try and see things the way they do. You have to learn their ways and do what they do. You know, try and stand in their shoes. My capstone paper is about how globalization is affecting the indigenous youth of Bolivia. So for a lot of my research I have to hang out with Bolivian teenagers. Its a blast.
So as you know, down here in the southern hemisphere it is winter. June 21st was the winter solstice. Also considered to be the Aymara new year. The Aymara are a group of indigenous that were part of the Incan Empire. Since it is considered to be the coldest night of the year, the people of Copacabana have a long standing tradition of setting everything ON FIRE!!! The pyro in me loves this tradition!
For example this hill that is right to the east of Copa... it gets set on fire every year. However a few years ago it was made illegal. But old habits die hard.
So in the name of participant observation, I went with my boys to go burn down the hill! Here we are getting our torches ready.
We had to drench them in gas and then light them up.
Here is my little brother, Jovy starting the festivities.
Here's Papush, Ronald and Fernando
did I mention that I am a pyro?
afterwords the boys lost a bet with me and had to do a musical number. They chose to sing "la cucaracha". It was stupendous.
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